Quantum Energy is the basis of creation. It’s life in form and information. Having a quantum energy field that is pure and amplified surrounding you is like a consistent reminder of the essence of your individuality within the whole, a consistent reminder of truth and light. It will increase the quality of your life and will create an effortless flow which will with time lead to steady abundance and easiness of life.

Leela quantum tech products build a simple use and easy to walk bridge between science and spirit.

Here is my take on what quantum energy is and does in my life.

THE TRAVEL BLOC is my favorite Leela Quantum Tech item. It goes everywhere where I go. It holds a beautiful and powerful quantum field which transforms everything in it or surrounding it within minutes to a highly vibrant state of frequency…Food, drinks, my blood, emf protection, harmony in relationship are just some of the examples. Check out all the information on Leela Q”s webpage and youtube channel.

The second favorite Leela Quantum Tech product of mine is the WATER BOTTLE. As well as the travel bloc it goes everywhere where I go. In fact, I drink all the water I drink in a day from it like from a cup. Its beautiful in effect AND looks. Which I love so much. Beautiful things that work.

Rising like the lotus from the mud, the phoenix out of the ashes or the waterbird from the sea of emotion is a beautiful journey of awakening within experience into our true essence-love!

Charging beautiful objects like jewelry with quantum energy helps to create an easy flow into this rising and awakening motion. We will feel supported to ride the wave rather than being tossed about.

THE CARDS are a go to thing. So many amazing frequencies to choose from. Each one of them created by master healers. Easy to use and powerful in their effect and effortlessness.

I LOVE FLYING with it, it protects me so well from the radiation high up in the air. It also holds me cozy and warm in the cold air condition air. I LOVE SLEEPING in it after traveling through different time zones and my body still feels confused with jet lag. While I am sleeping my blood stream is replenished and my body finds back into its own rhythm.
I also LOVE SKIING with it. It helps my endurance and managing high altitude much better. My boys use it during practice and before and after RACING motocross. Their concentration level is much higher, the body recovers much quicker.
These are just some of the great uses for a quantum jacket. WE all need jackets, we might as well make it one that helps in many other ways too.

Ah, I haven’t mentioned the jacket yet. Not even sure if they are still in stock…but want to share how useful and perfect a quantum charged jacket is. I love FASHION, nice clothes and other beautiful things. I personally don’t wear t-shirts or sweatshirts so a quantum shirt isn’t working for me….But a jacket can go onto anything I wear. A dress, a tank, my pj’s :)