Live your Live from a place of completion



The path of the phoenix is a year long spiritual one on one mentoring program in which, you will deeply understand the workings of your life and leave behind what didn’t create fulfillment and happiness. Lasting change is an ensemble of many smaller and bigger steps. The most important ingredients for change to take hold are Love and Time.


In PATH OF PHOENIX we will have both, time to love and love for time and with subtle but deep changes throughout our year together

You will gain a much
better understanding for
who you really are

You will know much better
what you really want

You will stand much stronger
in your own place/position

You will have unfolded your ability
to love and care for yourself
unconditionally much more

You will be much more at
peace with all of creation

You will have unfolded much
more of your souls potential

You will have been loved
and empowered on all of
your souls and human levels

there is only one path

– your path!

I see you –


This program is happening online in privat one on one live sessions. There is no preset protocol. I will facilitate each step in guidance by your highest self and allow your system to heal and change in its own way. 

The amount of sessions are determined by the status of your process. If you feel called to this intensive and intimate path, please contact me so we can see if this is the right time for you.

20.000 USD per year.

Become the phoenix and rise into the

light of your true self