§ 1 Contents of events

For a description of the content of each event, please refer to the information on our website https://cru-essence.com Here the topics and desired contents are presented according to the basic salary. The individual events and offers require a certain flexibility in the topics to be worked on. Therefore no claim to concrete achievements and/or successes can be derived from the description. A follow-up of the seminars, webinars, etc. beyond the extent voluntarily offered byEssence Labs, LLC

§ 2 Independent participation and differentiation from medical treatment

By registering, the participant declares his or her willingness to participate on his or her own responsibility and further declares to be aware that the events are to be understood as help for self-help. Under no circumstances should the events be understood as a substitute for conventional medical examinations and treatments. No diagnoses, therapies or treatments in the medical sense will be carried out or otherwise medical science in the legal sense will be practiced. The events should not and cannot replace medical treatment.Essence Labs, LLC does not make any promises, either directly or indirectly, that a cure of orthodox medical or other diseases will or will take place. The participants declare with their registration that they are aware of this and that no medical treatment will take place during the events. Each participant is responsible for his/her own physical and mental health.

§ 3 Participation fees

The participation fees can also be found on our website https://cru-essence.com. Any bundle discounts are available upon request and under special circumstances. Essence Labs, LLC has the unrestricted right to decide whether to grant such discounts. A registration on the Essence Labs, LLC website is considered an offer to conclude a contract. This only comes into effect with the confirmation by Essence Labs, LLC.

§ 4 Rules for cancellation of booked events

If you cannot keep a date for an event, please inform us in good time. We reserve the right for cancellations

less than

– 75 calendar days before the originally planned or booked event date, 50 % of the participation fees will be charged as a cancellation fee.

– 45 calendar days before the originally planned or booked event date, 75% of the attendance fees are charged as a cancellation fee.

– 21 calendar days before the originally planned or booked event date, 100% of the attendance fees are charged as a cancellation fee.

These rules apply regardless of whether there are more or less than the above-mentioned days remaining until the business event date on the day the business event is booked. The remaining calendar days on the day of cancellation are decisive for determining the cancellation fee. Furthermore, this rule also applies to the total price of the event with regard to events lasting several days. Should the wish be expressed to participate in a block event only in individual event blocks, there will be no proportional reimbursement of the participation fees.

Furthermore it should be noted that even if according to the above mentioned rules there is no cancellation fee, in case of a refundable payment there will always be a minimum cancellation fee of 60 USD.

§ 5 Payment

After booking an event or a product, it (or they) will be invoiced. Payment of the participation fees is due at the latest 30 days before the start of the event or the corresponding number of days before the first part of a block event.

§ 6 Liability

Essence Labs, LLC is not liable for any damages in connection with the visit / participation in an event and does not owe any success, no matter what nature. Every participant has to pay particular, but not exclusive attention to the things he/she brings with him/her, for example valuables. Damage due to loss, theft or similar will not be compensated by Essence Labs, LLC. If claims of a participant exist or arise against a provider of a venue, which for legal reasons could only be enforced by Essence Labs, LLC, Essence Labs, LLC assigns such claims to the respective participants.

A liability for intent and gross negligence remains unaffected by this regulation.

§ 7 Records, domiciliary rights and liability for valuables etc.

The recording of images and/or sound during an event is a punishable copyright infringement.