At the beginning of my spiritual path, no matter where I listened I only ever heard one word and that was BE. Full with strive and the longing to fulfill my life visions, BEING seemed so far away to me. More like the "Endgame" and not the path to everything I had just set out to do.

When I tried to imagine something by BEING, I thought of monks sitting deep in a cave and surrendering to their inner spaces. It felt to me like silence where you don't get anything done.

So how was I supposed to do everything I set out to do with BEING? DOING seemed so much more effective to me and with great vigour, I started to do everything according to the motto "success for the diligent" and thought, more is more. I kept getting lost in everyday details. The pieces of the puzzle of my lives path only came together slowly, took a lot of effort and the big picture remained hidden from me. So often during this time it felt like I was really close, and yet it wouldn’t reveal itself to me.

This way of going about my way eventually made me very ill and a most enlightening  experience of turning back, moved by much pain, began. An experience that made me stop and look at things in their essence. And with time I became calmer, softer and more whole. Life shaped me like water shapes stone. I lost my edges that made it difficult for me to accept anything other than what I already knew.

My whole being strove for opening, for unity with the inner and outer experience of life, for BEING one with everything. And so I went back to the beginning. My visions and the longing for arrival still partly unfulfilled, I asked myself what it really is and how it works, BEING?

In a moment of grace, in search of answers, I encountered my own origin. There was stillness, powerful and focused. A power that, despite its calmness, asks me to implement it. A strong, calm river that strives to draw.

I realized that BEING is not at all that I sit "idly" and do nothing all day, but that BEING is a STATE from which I can do anything that wants to be done.

I understood that it was about working from this vast, calm and deeply rooted state of being, in the face of the whole picture. Tasks, ventures, relationships, visions, work, free time, no matter what my life is doing at the moment, everything wants to be lived from this state.

Experiencing this state created a deep peace within me. My “big picture” is omnipresent and when I lose myself in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, I only have to remind myself and powerful calm sets in again, from which my path follows all by itself. Every moment determined by NOW, my BEING is fulfilled in DOING.

I wish you all a deep dive into your own peace and look forward to meeting you there, ♥ Cru
